Black Akaushi

Black Akaushi Cattle is a family-owned business founded by Ricky and Sarah Black. In 2010, Ricky sold half of his cow herd and developed an interest in raising Akaushi cattle due to the superior quality of their meat, especially in steaks.
Sarah grew up in Lazbuddie, TX, where her father and grandfather raised registered Anxiety IV Herefords. Ricky has been continuously refining his herd to enhance meat quality, focusing on improving genetics, feed conversion data, replacement heifers, and seed stock. He is dedicated to meeting the demands of the evolving cattle industry. Most of the bulls we sell go to individuals with their own meat programs.
Our F1 crosses on packer grids have graded as high as 70% prime! Akaushi bulls can achieve more in one generation for meat quality than other breeds can accomplish in a decade.
Black Akaushi Cattle
Ricky Black
Friona, TX
Phone: 806-946-7207