Walking Spear Land & Cattle

Image of Black Family

Walking Spear Land & Cattle is a family owned operation that was started in Southeastern Arizona about 45 years ago as a commercial cattle operation. The base cowherd was primarily black baldy. In the early 1990’s we purchased our first Limousin bulls from the Willcox Bull Sale. We were very impressed with the growth and muscle in the calves. We exhibited Limousin show cattle for a number of years on a regional and national level.

In 2006, the Arizona ranch was sold and Cory and Pam moved to the new ranch in Roswell, NM. After quite a bit of research in 2010, we identified several advantages of Lim-Flex cattle to the commercial cattleman and made the transition from purebred Limousin to primarily Lim-Flex cattle.

Fast forward to today, the operation is now based out of Roswell, NM. We are still primarily a commercial cow-calf operation, but we have expanded to raising registered Lim-Flex cattle. Our primary focus is to produce docile, easy fleshing cattle that have eye appeal and produce calves that work in the pasture and on the rail. Our goal is to meet the needs of the commercial cattlemen in the southwest.

Walking Spear Land & Cattle
The DiPeso Family - Chad DiPeso
Roswell, NM
Phone: 520-678-9178
Email: chaddipeso@gmail.com