Performance Reports: 2016-17

The Tucumcari Bull Test reached a milestone with 155 bulls on feed-- an all-time high as the test begins its 56th year! The addition of the GrowSafe® technology has allowed us the ability to increase capacity and collect additional, individualized information, per animal.
This year the contemporary groups were once again sorted by age and size. Groups A and B will have specific Feed Efficiency data along with residual feed intake (RFI) data, with approximately 64 bulls in each group. Group C will have pen feed efficiencies with 33 bulls in this year's group.
Only the Top 85% performing bulls from the GrowSafe® tested groups (A & B) and the top 50% from Group C will sell. Producers with bulls consigned on test strive to provide the industry the very best genetics from their respective operations.
Final Sale Report
The 2016-17 Tucumcari Bull Test will go down as the largest bull test to date at the Tucumcari Feed Efficiency Test station.
Supported by the NMSU Tucumcari Ag Science Center, 155 bulls started the test. Bulls averaged 3.84 lbs of gain per day, with an average end weight of 1128 lbs. This is only 6 lbs lighter than the 2016 test (end wt. 1134), but with 50 day younger calves. For those bulls whose intake was measured using the GrowSafe® System, feed efficiency showed improvement in 2017. For example, in Group A, efficiency averaged 5.37 lbs feed/1 lb gain (F:G), compared to Group A in 2016, with an average of 6.1 F:G.
One hundred and twenty-six bulls were selected by the 16 participating producers to participate in the 2017 Tucumcari Bull Test Sale. Only the top 85% (100 bulls) performing bulls finally made the "sale ring". Sale management was changed to better meet the needs of the buyers and reduce stress in the bulls. All bulls making the sale were sold via their video, versus live in the sale ring. This allowed the sale to progress more efficiently, and buyers were able to leave in an organized and timely manner. Over 150 people were in attendance at this year's sale.
Market Report | Overall Sale Average: $3270
- Herefords (3): $3600
- Charolais (1): $3500
- Red Angus (5): $3730
- Angus (76): $3208
115-Day Report
85-Day Report
58-Day Report
If the first 58-days is indicative of performance and quality, buyers will be very pleased with what we have to offer at this year's spring sale.
Group A includes the older bulls, born January 1-February 28, 2016. There are a few younger bulls in this group that had very good WDA values on arrival, as well. The report represents how these bulls performed during the first 58 days of the test along with a RFI value. They had an average daily gain of 4.28 lbs, which is up by over 1/2 lb. per day from last year. The top gaining bull from this group is out of the Miller Angus herd sire Miller Emblazon 432, averaging an impressive 6.16 lbs. of gain per day. The bulls in this pen are already weighing on average 1032 lbs.
Group B consists of the younger calves scheduled to be RFI tested the last 60 days of the overall test. This group of bulls came in a bit younger, therefore are currently weighing on average 842 lbs., with an average rate of gain of 3.54 lbs. per head per day. As with Group A, these bulls are gaining a full 1/2 lb. per day better than last year. The top performing bull out of this pen, is a Hereford bull from the Abercrombie Ranch. Gaining an equally impressive 6.02 lbs. per day, this nice calf is out of C&M Advance 8203 1007 ET. Do not discount this report's numbers for this group. It is very likely their performance will greatly improve during the last 60 days as age and size was at their disadvantage at this time.
Group C is considered the "individually tested" bulls. Bulls are penned in groups of three to four head per pen. The management of these bulls is similar to years past, with calves penned separately by owner. Among the nine pens currently occupied, we have an average weight of 842 lbs., with an overall average daily gain of 3.56 lbs. per day. The top performing bull within this group is from McCall Land & Cattle. Test ID 6-36 (registration pending) has been gaining a whopping 6.56 lbs. per day over the 58-day feeding period-- this bull is also the top gaining bull over the entire test.