Performance Reports: 2019-20

125-Day Report
The 59th Annual Tucumcari Bull Test was a great success. Bulls performed well and will look great come sale day. The silage based ration allowed for bulls to grow at a steady pace, lay down muscle, and become fit for breeding. We had the best fertility test results to date, with 90% passing their breed soundness exam! As for the data, the results are as follows:
Angus Division: The top indexing Angus bull is 10-1 (Lust Payweight 919), with an overall test index of 120.53. This bull comes out of the top indexing sire group out of Basin Payweight 1682. This bull averaged 4.42 ADG, had a weight per day of age (WDA) of 3.40 lbs, and a feed conversion of 4.89 lbs feed to achieve 1 lb of gain. The 10-1 bull was also the top overall gaining bull in his contemporary group of 98 bulls. Hartzog Angus earned the top slot for WDA at 3.61 with a ratio of 118.9. RWL&C 1336 Lakino G316 (out of 2 S Final Answer 60-1336) ended the test at 1260 lbs and a calculated yearling weight of 1440!
Braunvieh Division: A very uniform group of calves made this division a tight race. This group of nice uniform set of bulls come from J Bar Braunvieh, Hedley, TX. Earning the top spot for the best test index and highest WDA (2.87) was bull 7-6. JBB Graham 902G had a test index of 108.62. The top gaining bull in this group of 10 head was test number 7-4. Gaining 3.73 lbs per day over the 125 day test, this calf ratio'd 114.6.
Charolais Division: Three breeders from New Mexico, Colorado, and Texas contributed to this set of seven Charolais Bulls this year. The bull from B4L Cattle Company, Muleshoe, TX won the top spot for index (111.40) and gain (3.59; ratio = 120.15). The top ranking bull for WDA in this division was from Grau Charolais out of Grady, NM. Bull 6-1 had a WDA of 3.16 and a calculated yearling weight of 1253 lbs. This bull's sire (Grau Big Time L56) has contributed to many productive yearlings that have come to the test station.
Hereford Division: Had a few more Herefords on test this year. The field of 17 head had several impressive competitors. A clear winner, however, came from Cornerstone Ranch, Fort Sumner, NM. Bull 2-4 had a clean sweep, earning an impressive top index of 130.5! TRL WILDCAT SENSATION 9126 averaged 4.10 ADG, and 3.62 for WDA, earning him the top ratioing bull for both ADG and WDA categories! Sired by CHURCHILL WILDCAT 754E this had an end test weight of 1358 lbs.
Red Angus: We had 7 bulls in the Red Angus division. The newest member of the Tucumcari Feed Efficiency Test family had the top indexing bull this year! Bull 13-3 is a nicely made high performance bulls with a great set of EPDs. From Duvall Ranches out of Lamar, CO, their bull, DUV DOMAIN G901, had a test index of 112.35. His ADG of 3.48 lbs helped him also earn top gaining bull in this division. TL Cattle Company out of Grady, NM had a bull that earned the top spot for WDA. Out of their good herd sire Cherokee Red Water, test # 5-1 had a WDA of 3.21 (ratio =112.15).
Salers: New to the test this year is the Salers breed. K4 Cattle Company out of Hereford, TX, brought a very nice and uniform set of bulls. Their herd sire, CLK DRIVE TRAIN, contributed his part to all the Saler bulls on test this year. His best and brightest was 20-2, earning the top index (107.5), ADG(3.63, ratio=110.85), and WDA(3.12, ratio=107.7) in his division.
Feed Efficiency Results
The members of the TFET, LLC invested hard earned dollars into the equipment that make it possible for us to individually measure feed intake. Because we now know exactly what each calf eats on a daily basis, and how well he converts that feed to gain, bulls are evaluated slightly differently when it comes to feed efficiency. Half of the entire group of 150 bulls are feed in the special feeders the first 60 days of the test. These cattle are considered to be in Group A. Mid test, pens are switched, allowing for the second group of bulls to be feed intake tested during the last 60 days of the trial (Group B). Therefore, bulls are ratio'd for feed efficiency within the group they were tested in. This helps reduce bias that can be seen in feed intake based on time of year, weather, size of the animal, etc.
On average both groups demonstrated better feed conversion efficiency than industry standard of 6 pounds of feed to build one pound of gain. Because of the breeders diligent focus on this important trait, 58% of the bulls on test converted less than 6 lbs; with 17% of the bulls requiring less than five pounds to achieve one pound of gain!
Congratulations to all the breeders this year as the group was fairly uniform in gain and feed efficiency.
89-Day Performance Report
Bulls are doing well and looking good! With an average daily gain (ADG) of 3.20, the group is ahead in growth, versus last year. Calves are full and healthy!
In the Angus division Lust Angus has several ranking in the top 10 (out of 97 bulls) in ADG. Bull 10-1 has sustained top rank for the duration of the test thus far. Out of Basin Payweight 682, this bull is gaining 4.85 per day with no signs of slowing down! The top slot for weight per day of age (WDA) in the Angus division goes to Hartzog Angus. This bull is carrying a WDA value of 3.69 pounds per day. Hartzog bull 8-10 is out of 2 S Final Answer 60-1336, and is also currently ranked number 2 in feed efficiency; converting 4.60 feed per pound of gain!
In the Braunvieh division, J Bar Braunvieh has brought us a nice and uniform set of bulls. Ten head make up this group. These bulls are gaining above the pen average with an ADG of 3.30. Bull 7-4 is dominating his contemporaries, gaining 4.43 lbs per day with a WDA of 2.89.
In the Charolais division, B4L Angus has a moderate and consistent bull in the group of 7 bulls. This calf has lots of eye appeal and performance. Gaining 3.70 pound per day, 4-1 is ratioing 121% above his contemporary group average. Grau Charolais leads the way for WDA. Out of Grau Big Time L56, 6-1 has a WDA value of 3.29. In the Hereford division, this has to be the best set of bulls I have seen since I started with the test in 2014. We have a standout in this group from Cornerstone Ranch. Out of Churchill Wildcat 754E, bull 2-4 came off the trailer as impressive. This calf dominates the division all across the board. He leads in ADG at 4.61, WDA of 3.74, and feed conversion of 4.07! A calf to watch come sale time!
In the Red Angus division, Duvall Ranches’ 13-3 bull is leading the gain at 3.69 pounds per day. This bull is out of 3SCC Domain A163, and has a lot of eye appeal and stretch. Bull 5-1 from TL Cattle Co., brought us the bull currently leading the WDA with 3.25. This calf is out of one of their herd sires, Cherokee Red Water. Finally in the Salers division, K4 Cattle Company brought 7 impressive bull calves. Collectively these bulls are gaining above the group average, at 3.33. Bull 20-2 is leading the charge in both gain (4.22), WDA (3.12), and feed efficiency (5.92). This bull is out of their best herd sire, CLK Drive Train.
Stay tuned!!! Our last weigh day will be at the end of February.